Raviv Practice London

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Scarlet's Father

The Educational Psychologist recommended Cogmed as my daughter; age ten was not able to cope with certain aspects of school life, we felt her academic grades did not reflect her ability. I approached Raviv Practice London after talking to a lot of providers of Cogmed. Raviv Practice seemed the most caring. The process of enrolment was thorough. We had to have every session mapped out with a tight plan of action before we started. I was informed upfront, this is was a challenging program if a proper structure were not in place Scarlet would not finish despite the short duration of five weeks to complete. Every few days, I received an email to help motivate my daughter. She responded well to this tailored bespoke approach and worked without too many complaints.
The weekly calls were fun too, I was made accountable for the rewards that had been promised! The weekly calls were also a time to review each completed week in detail and plan for the week ahead. The reviews showed which aspects of Scarlet's Working Memory were weaker and which were stronger. It was clear from these calls and carefully reviewing the data together; we discovered Scarlet had a problem with 'auditory working memory’. We received lots of encouraging tips and strategies to help Scarlet relax when she worked on Cogmed, it was tough, but we managed to get through. We could not have done this alone without the support, and the fully coached package was the best option for our success. As Scarlet's working memory improved, the sessions became shorter; she could remember more information with less effort and stress.
Importantly, it was the transfer into school life we wanted. Soon after Cogmed finished, the first thing we noticed was her writing speed; this became significantly faster. Scarlet, did not waste time in the mornings either. She was able to turn down the dial of her emotional outbursts and became more rational and level headed.